
Ampcontrol Presents at EVS35 Conference in Oslo

January 13, 2025

On June 15th, 2022, Dr. Jonas Schlund, Lead Data Scientist at Ampcontrol, presented his research on how to use electric vehicle smart charging to provide frequency containment reserve (FCR) power, at EVS35 in Oslo.

"After running an extensive simulation model using real data, our results show that in 2030 electric vehicles have the potential to serve the whole FCR power market in Germany. Average private cars can provide the service without any notable additional battery degradation and achieve significant yearly earnings depending on the volatile market prices" says Dr. Jonas Schlund.

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Executive Summary

Besides the integration of renewable energies, electric vehicles pose an additional challenge to the power grid. However, they can also be a flexibility source and contribute to the power system stability. In this paper, we analyze how vast amounts of coordinated charging processes can be used to provide frequency containment reserve power. Therefore, we use an extensive simulation model that considers not just technical components but also stochastic behavior based on real data. Our results show that in 2030 electric vehicles have the potential to serve the whole frequency containment reserve power market in Germany. We differentiate between using unidirectional and bidirectional chargers and conclude that using a mix can combine the advantages of both worlds. Thereby, average private cars can provide the service without any notable additional battery degradation and achieve yearly earnings between 200€ and 500€, depending on the volatile market prices. Commercial vehicles have an even higher potential as the results increase with vehicle utilization and consumption.

Overall simulation model structure - Ampcontrol Smart Charging
Overall simulation model structure: objects of the different levels and interfaces

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