How Takealot and Aeversa Achieve up to 65% Reduction in Energy Costs for Electric Fleets

Reduction in Overall Energy Cost per Km
Total Cost Savings Per Month
JAC N75 Electric Trucks
The Challenge
Overcoming Fuel Costs and Grid Challenges to Achieve Cost-Effective On-Time Deliveries
Electric fleet companies like Takealot face a myriad of challenges when adopting EVs. Grid constraints and variable demand tariffs can complicate charging schedules and slow down electrification projects. Ensuring timely vehicle departures while maintaining efficient energy consumption is crucial for delivery operations. In addition, integrating charging infrastructure seamlessly with the broader fleet management system is another hurdle. Without careful coordination, fleets can face significant downtime or inefficiencies that hinder on-time deliveries and impact the bottom line. The primary concerns were whether EVs could meet the high daily mileage demands, sometimes over 400 km per day, and charge fast enough to meet tight milk run schedules without compromising on reliability, energy source violations and excessive energy costs. Takealot and many other fleet managers in South Africa constantly face rising fuel costs and fluctuating diesel prices, making budget planning increasingly challenging. Traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, with their lower energy efficiency and higher maintenance costs, exacerbate these issues.

We demanded energy efficiency and contracted with Aeversa to deliver just that. Ampcontrol has proved to be dependable tool in reducing the overall cost of energy of our EV fleet

Energy Management
Optimizing Charging Costs with Dynamic Load Management
Takealot and Aeversa leverage Ampcontrol's dynamic load management feature to efficiently balance their charging needs with grid constraints. By dynamically shifting charging times to off-peak hours, the system reduces strain on the grid while taking advantage of lower energy rates. This not only ensures that all vehicles are fully charged before their scheduled deliveries but also leads to significant cost savings by minimizing peak-hour energy costs.
Data Access and OCPP
Improving Fleet Reliability with State of Charge Monitoring
Ampcontrol’s real-time SOC monitoring feature helps Takealot maintain fleet reliability by reducing the risk of vehicles running low on charge during deliveries. Through precise monitoring and alerts, the system ensures that all trucks maintain sufficient charge levels, drastically reducing the frequency of under-20% SOC events. This contributes to greater confidence in EV performance and smoother operations, even on routes exceeding 150 km.

Energy Management 101: How to Efficiently Charge Electric Fleets
- What is smart charging for fleets?
- Energy challenges for fleets
- 4 critical steps for smart EV fleet management
Trusted by Leading Fleet Operators
Ampcontrol works with a wide range of fleets, manufacturers, and solution companies to help them optimize their electric fleet operations. To learn more about Ampcontrol in action, check out the following case studies.

Reducing demand charges of Revel's vehicle fleet

Overcoming grid challenges for EV truck charging in South Africa

Maximizing charger uptime at North America's largest EV truck site

Providing 99% EV charger uptime for Vanderbilt University